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Major presentation departure hall Schiphol Airport

Rem van den Bosch

Bijgewerkt op: 26 mei 2024

We've set up an impressive large-format presentation at Schiphol Airport featuring #welcomebelowsealevel from the #herecomestheflood series. As we were setting it up, conversations immediately sparked with travelers who were amazed by how we live with water in the Netherlands. It's almost unimaginable, isn't it? Even the airport is vulnerable to flooding, with a potential of 400cm!

Every traveler landing or departing from E-pier will pass by the work, ensuring that every day for the next few months, thousands of visitors from the United States, the Pacific, and Asia will encounter the topic.

It's crucial for the public, the business community, and the government to become aware of the world's state through art and images. One of humanity's greatest challenges looms ahead: climate change and rising sea levels.


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