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Lecture by invitation from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)

Rem van den Bosch

On invitation from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland or RVO), today I am contributing through a lecture to the COP North Sea Community of Practice on Seabased Food, sharing my work and vision. Within the framework of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) Food Vision from the Sea, I will discuss Seabør, our Robin Hood of the North Sea, our products, expectations, and ambitions.

I am pleased to contribute today in a special location, on the Pier of Scheveningen. The discussions afterwards were very interesting. Art, education, and food are three wonderful tools to create awareness among the population.

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Rem is an active ambassador to the UNESCO Geopark Schelde Delta and for TEJO.

TEJO is organization that offers professional help for teenagers in need of psychological care.

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