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Rem van den Bosch

Invited to deliver Rijnland Lecture 2022

I felt honored to deliver the Rijnland Lecture this year on behalf of the Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland. I spoke about better care for the world, my visit to the Haudenosaunee native people, and the philosophy of the seven generations. Additionally, I showed photo images from the #herecomesflood climate change and sea level rise project, and the Immersion Buoys. We engaged in discussion about the themes of my lecture during and after the lecture. "For the first edition, artist Rem van den Bosch has been willing to share his experiences on the theme of water, which he visualizes wherever he goes. Climate change and the urgency of a rising sea level are always discussed. As an artist, Rem has his own view on this and expresses it visually.

He has developed a special installation to illustrate the awareness of the above challenges. Like a true water missionary, Rem travels through cities and countries to make people (young and old) more aware of the water challenges. He tries to convey the importance of taking action now."

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